Check if a YouTube Channel or Video is Monetized

Paste a YouTube channel or video link below:
Questions / Answers

How to check If a Youtube Channel or Video is Monetized?

Copy and paste the channel’s URL or video’s URL in the form above and click the “Check” button. You’ll instantly know if the it is monetized or not, and get an estimated amount of money it generates.

Is this Data Reliable?

Yes, this is 100% accurate data, it is fetched from YouTube itself. You can also see the number of subscribers of the channel and the number of public views, likes and comments of the video.

Can the Channel be Monetized If it has Less than 1000 Subscribers?

If a channel has less than 1,000 subscribers, it’s not monetized because channels need to have 1,000 subscribers to apply for the YouTube Partner Program. The only case if this could happen is if the channel had enough subscribers to apply and then lost some of them so now it is below 1,000.

Is it for Sure that the Video is Monetized If I see that the Monetization is Enabled?

Seeing ads on a video or seeing that monetization is enabled doesn’t mean that the video is monetized by the channel’s owner. Since November 2020, YouTube started placing ads on some non-monetized videos or channels. This could be if the channel owner doesn’t have all necessary rights for his channel's content. The revenue then is either can be perceived by the rights holder or by YouTube itself.
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